When a man's family is mistakenly murdered and the police can't solve the case, street justice is the only option.
Michael (Robert Parham) is a family man a steady job a wife and kid whose life is turned upside down when his wife is brutally murdered in their home and daughter is put in a coma by a couple of thugs. When things seem darkest more misery descends and sends Michael into a spiral of hatred and a thirst for revenge. When learning Martial Arts fails to quench his desire for revenge as swiftly as he'd like, Michal turns to the only justice that will be swift, The gun.
A man pushed to the edge who ain't gonna take it anymore, he will bring his own kind of justice with deadly consequences.

Ok first up lets bring to your attention this is low budget feature but don't let that put you off there is much to admire here. Robert Parham (writer, Director and Actor) gives a genuine and heartfelt performance that drives the film to its climatic shootout. With an equally strong performance by Cynda Williams (Mo better Blues, One False Move) who plays the cop determined to find justice there's even a small part for my man Franklin Correa (Manhunt).

Can I also say that soundtrack is banging and really set the tone and have to give credit to some well-known artists from The Original G-Man of Hip Hop, Knoc-Turn'Al (who did the soundtrack for The Transporter), Donna Allen (who did a song on the soundtrack of Sylvester Stallone's movie "The Specialist"), JChoosen (who was recently on season 12 of "The Voice") as well as newcomer Q. Ali Bey.
Mad as Hell is scheduled for release by Maverick Entertainment in early 2022