Podcast On Fire 196: Armour of God & Armour Of God II – Operation Condor
Here's our next Podcast with Alan Tam once again making an appearance for the Team Tam or not Team Tam series of Podcasts, but taking a double bill with Armour of God 2 with our friend Vincent Lyn (check out our interview with Vincent here)
One of our favourite Jackie Chan fight scenes sits at the end of the original Armor of God and Vincent Lyn certainly plays a part in the spectacular final action scene in Operation Condor.
Synopsis: A Jackie Chan review double bill focusing on the continually evolving nature to his action films where Indiana Jones style adventure to a degree take centre stage in the two Armour of God films. The first almost cost Jackie Chan’s life. More on that with Kenny B and Eastern Film Fans’ Phil G.
Contact the show via email at podcastonfire at googlemail.com, on our Facebook page and Facebook group or Twitter (@podcastonfire, @sogoodreviews) and SUBSCRIBE to our iTunes feed. Music courtesy of Brian Kirby (http://briankirby.net) whose awesome clothing line you can find at http://www.shelflifeclothing.com/.