Soon after legendary action star Jackie Chan is invited to adopt a rare baby panda named HuHu—distinguished by a dark circle around only one eye—a notorious international crimesyndicate sets its sights on the panda, offering a massive bounty for its capture. Jackie,portraying himself as an aging international action star, finds himself drawn into a high-stakes “rescHu” mission. Teaming up with his agent and Hu Hu’s caretaker, Jackie mustoutwit—and outfight—the villains at every turn

The creation of PANDA PLAN was partially inspired by Jackie Chan’s lifelong affection for pandas. Adding an authentic touch, the baby panda’s voice was crafted using recordings of two famous pandas from Sichuan province, China.The cast also features rising Chinese comedian Shi Ce (Hi, Mum), Wei Xiang (Full River Red), Han Yanbo (My People, My Homeland), and Andy Friend (The Wandering Earth II).  

Jackie Chan plays a fictionalized version of himself who adopts a Panda and gets caught up in a kidnap attempt, it’s all very silly but, and hear me out here it’s fun, yes it may be overly stylized in places but has all Jackie Chan’s trademark flicks, kicks and stunts again using everything he can see to fend of the bad guys.  Trademark Jackie Chan at his best, jumping from one set piece to another and having fun, in fact the whole cast look like there having a blast.

Jackie Chan is 70, yes let that sink in the man is still breaking out his signature flips and kicks and tricks while entertaining us. Ok so Panda Plan maybe aimed at the younger viewers or indeed the young at heart, the panda CGI is a bit obvious at times but you know it doesn’t matter, because for a film that runs just over 95 minutes it doesn’t stop in action or entertainment stakes. I tell you i’ve not seen Jackie Chan put so much action into one movie I was ready for an intermission half way though, seriously the man is a powered on Duracell batteries. 

Panda Plan is fun, if your after shakespeare please go elsewhere if you love Pandas and Jackie Chan then your onto a winner and yes maybe we shall get some more gritty and dramatic turns from Jackie, and this won’t be for everyone, but if your a fan you’ll admire his commitment to deliver a Jackie Chan style film and for kids then they’ll just love it. Panda Plan is pure Jackie Chan entertainment, a fun wild ride.

Panda Plan will arrive in the UK for a one week limited release with the English dubbed version opening on 17th Jan 2025
Panda Plan

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