Let's get the latest information from our rising star and projects Ada currently has bubbling under.

"This last year I've been shooting another feature film "Enclave" in Greece, Thasos island directed by talented Bobby Barbacioru where I had the opportunity to work closer to Robert Knepper. He is one of the most generous and amazing actors I‘ve ever had the pleasure to be on set with. Regarding the future, there are some exciting things coming but I can’t give more information about it. So what can I say? Stay tuned and hopefully everything will get back on track soon and we’ll kick ass back on set!”

"In Romania, starting as a child actor, I was so far cast in more than 30 theatre productions and performed probably more than 1K shows in total. I toured with my shows internationally in festivals (Canada, UK, France, Brussels, Macedonia, Ukraine, Sarajevo- Bosnia şi Herţegovina etc)"
Look out for Ada and check out her links and show-reels below.
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/adadumitruu/
IMDB https://m.imdb.com/name/nm9360714/
Catch an exclusive interview over at Dan's movie report http://dansmoviereport.blogspot.com/2019/04/actress-ada-dumitru-exclusive-interview.html